Tuesday, May 15, 2018


The Relationship Between Green Supply Chain Management and Performance: A Meta-Analysis of Empirical Evidences in Asian Emerging Economies
Ruoqi Genga, S. Afshin Mansouri, Emel Aktasb
January 2017

Scholars on GSCM in the AEE have mainly focused on economic, operational and environmental performance. The first hypothesis is proposed: H1 the GSCM practices are positively correlated with the firm performance. For manufacturing firms in the AEE, gaining economic performance is the key to adopt GSCM practices. Moreover, three GSCM practices including product innovation, process innovation and managerial innovation and demonstrated their positive association with environmental performance. Most of the studies in the AEE have found a positive relationship between GSCM practices and operational performance Furthermore, GSCM practices can increase operational efficiency and enhance operational performance. In terms of social performance, Zailani et al. (2012b) analyzed data from 400 manufacturing firms in Malaysia and found that the adoption of green purchasing and green packaging have a positive effect on social performance.  Given the above arguments, the following hypotheses are proposed considering the five GSCM practices defined in section 2.2.H2.The GSCM practices are positively correlated with the economic performance. H3. The GSCM practices are positively correlated with the environmental performance. H4. The GSCM practices are positively correlated with the operational performance. H5. The GSCM practices are positively correlated with the social performance.

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