Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Green Supply Chain Management, Environmental Collaboration and
Sustainability Performance
(2015)   Thoo Ai Chin, Huam Hon Tat, Zuraidah Sulaiman
The concept of GSCM is to integrate environmental thinking into supply chain management (SCM). As such, GSCM is important in influencing the total environment impact of any organizations involved in supply chain activities. More importantly, GSCM can contribute to sustainability performance enhancement. The hypothesized model linking the relationship between GSCM practices, environmental collaboration and sustainability performance is depicted in Figure 1. The GSCM practices  are  conceptualized  to  include  green  procurement,  green  manufacturing,  green  distribution  and  green  logistics.  The   sustainability   performance   is   investigated   from   the   perspectives   of   economic,   environmental   and   social.   The   model   is   mainly   grounded   within   the   relational   view   to   explain    idiosyncratic    inter-organizational   linkages. The relational view theory was first articulated by Dyer and Singh to suggest that established long-term collaborative relationship    characterized by strong inter
-organizational interactions could facilitate firms to pursue GSCM practices.  In  general,  the  relational view provides  insight  into  how a firm  develops  value-creating  linkages  with  other  firms  to  achieve high  profit  returns.  Undeniably,  the  collaborative  supply   chain   relationships  are  invariably   based   on   trust,   loyalty,  a  positive  sum  game,  fairness  in  negotiations,  goal  and intent revelation, and commitment.

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